The Importance of Keeping Your Beneficiary Designations Up to Date in East Lansing, Michigan

By: Nick Leydorf
estate planning and elder law attorney
Meet Nick Leydorf
My practice is dedicated to helping families get their affairs in order so that they can stay out of court and out of conflict. I’ve experienced first-hand how a lack of planning can have a terrible impact on a family. One morning, my wife received a phone call that her mother had been found unconscious in her bathroom and had been rushed to a local hospital. We panicked and drove to Grand Rapids as fast as we could to be with her. For two weeks, she never regained consciousness and she passed away. My wife and I were devastated.
Make sure that your beneficiary designations are up to date. Taking a few minutes can avoid severe unintended consequences.

Life in East Lansing, Michigan, is always evolving. From the vibrant campus of Michigan State University to the peaceful residential neighborhoods around Lake Lansing, our community is a dynamic place filled with families, students, and professionals. As life changes, so do the circumstances that shape our financial and legal decisions—especially when it comes to estate planning.

One critical aspect of estate planning that often gets overlooked is beneficiary designations. Whether it’s a life insurance policy, retirement account, or any other asset, ensuring that your beneficiary designations are up to date is vital to protecting your loved ones. Unfortunately, many people forget to update these designations after significant life events, which can lead to unintended and often severe consequences.

The Significance of Beneficiary Designations

Beneficiary designations are a way of directing who will receive certain assets when you pass away. Unlike a will, which must go through probate, beneficiary designations allow assets to pass directly to the named individuals without the need for court involvement. This can make the process of transferring assets quicker and simpler for your loved ones.

However, the simplicity of this process can also become its Achilles' heel if beneficiary designations are not kept up to date. Many people fill out these forms when they first purchase a policy or open an account, but then forget about them. As life changes—through marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or the passing of loved ones—those initial designations may no longer reflect your current wishes.

Real-Life Consequences of Outdated Beneficiary Designations

Imagine you’re a lifelong East Lansing resident who purchased a life insurance policy years ago. At the time, you named your spouse as the beneficiary. Years later, after a divorce, you remarry and have children, but forget to update the beneficiary designation. If something happens to you, that policy could pay out to your ex-spouse instead of your current family. This is not an uncommon scenario, and the consequences can be devastating.

In another case, a parent might name their adult child as the beneficiary of a retirement account but forget to update the designation after that child passes away. Without a backup beneficiary listed, the assets could become entangled in probate court, causing delays, added costs, and family conflict.

These examples highlight why it’s crucial to review and update your beneficiary designations regularly, especially after major life events like marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one.

The East Lansing Connection

Our community in East Lansing is no stranger to these life changes. Many residents are connected to Michigan State University, where career shifts and relocations are common. Others are part of multi-generational families who have lived in the area for decades. For both groups, keeping beneficiary designations current is a key part of protecting your family’s future.

Consider, for example, a family living near the beautiful Lake Lansing. If one of the parents were to pass away without updating their beneficiary designations after having more children or making significant financial changes, the surviving family members might face challenges they never anticipated. In a tight-knit community like East Lansing, where family ties run deep, the impact of these decisions—or lack thereof—can ripple through generations.

What You Should Do Now

To avoid these kinds of situations, it’s essential to make reviewing your beneficiary designations a regular part of your financial planning. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Review Existing Policies and Accounts: Look at your life insurance policies, retirement accounts, bank accounts, and any other assets that allow for beneficiary designations. Make sure the current beneficiaries reflect your current wishes.
  2. Update After Life Events: Major life events—such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one—should trigger an immediate review of your beneficiary designations. Don’t wait until the annual review; make the changes as soon as possible.
  3. Name Contingent Beneficiaries: In addition to primary beneficiaries, consider naming contingent beneficiaries who will receive the assets if the primary beneficiary is no longer alive. This adds an extra layer of protection to your estate plan.
  4. Seek Professional Advice: Estate planning is complex, and the laws around beneficiary designations can be tricky. Consulting with an estate planning attorney can ensure that your designations are aligned with your overall estate plan. At Leydorf Law Firm, PLLC, we can help you navigate this process and ensure that your loved ones are protected.

The Role of an Estate Planning Attorney

Working with an experienced estate planning attorney in East Lansing can make all the difference in securing your family's future. At Leydorf Law Firm, we specialize in ensuring that your estate plan, including your beneficiary designations, reflects your current wishes and life circumstances.

We know that every client’s situation is unique. Whether you’re a young family just starting out or a retiree looking to protect your legacy, we’re here to help you create a plan that fits your needs. From our office on Lake Lansing Road, we’re proud to serve the East Lansing community with personalized estate planning services.

If it’s been a while since you reviewed your beneficiary designations, now is the time to act. Contact Leydorf Law Firm, PLLC today to schedule a consultation. We’ll help you ensure that your beneficiary designations—and your entire estate plan—are up to date and ready to protect your loved ones.

Conclusion: Stay Prepared, Stay Protected

In a community as vibrant and evolving as East Lansing, it’s easy to let important details slip through the cracks. But when it comes to beneficiary designations, overlooking these details can have serious consequences. By staying proactive and regularly reviewing your estate plan, you can ensure that your loved ones are taken care of, no matter what life throws your way.

Whether you’re enjoying a peaceful walk through the beautiful East Lansing parks, or cheering on the Spartans at a Michigan State University game, the last thing you want on your mind is uncertainty about your family's future. Let us help you bring clarity and peace of mind to your estate planning process.

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